White Bird is a poignant historical drama that serves as a prequel to Wonder (2017), based on R.J. Palacio’s graphic novel. The story follows Sara Blum, a young Jewish girl living in Nazi-occupied France during World War II. Forced into hiding to escape the horrors of the Holocaust, she is taken in by a boy and his family, who shelter her at great personal risk. The narrative weaves themes of bravery, compassion, and human connection in the face of unimaginable atrocities.
Thematically, White Bird explores the power of empathy and kindness during times of extreme adversity. The film emphasizes the importance of standing up against hatred and injustice, no matter the cost. By focusing on Sara’s relationship with her protector and the sacrifice of those who risked everything to help others, White Bird delivers a touching and inspiring message of hope and courage
White Bird is a beautifully crafted film that balances the horrors of war with the resilience of the human spirit. Helen Mirren, as the adult Sara Blum, narrates this harrowing yet heartfelt story with grace, while Ariella Glaser portrays young Sara with a blend of innocence and strength. The film’s stunning cinematography and tender storytelling make it an emotional journey that highlights both the cruelty and the kindness of humanity.
While the film does not shy away from the harsh realities of war, its focus on the connection between Sara and the family who hides her allows for moments of warmth and humanity. Some viewers may find the pace a bit slow, but White Bird makes up for it with strong performances and an emotionally resonant message about the enduring impact of kindness in dark times(
4 out of 5 stars.