The Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is an epic saga that continues the franchise many years after the events in War for the Planet of the Apes. New and exciting, the movie delivers yet another chapter in the evolution of apes who, following the collapse of human civilization, have now taken over as Earth’s dominant species. It describes the whole story where the apes have formed their own societies and cultures, which are now engulfed in internal conflicts and scandals. There are births of new factions that had different ideologies about governance, peace, and the possible dealings with humans who were in a worse survival condition in the world no longer belonging to them.
Owen Teague stars as the new central ape character, Cornelius, torn between old ways and the need to forge a new future for his kind. Freya Allan plays the human survivor entwined in Cornelius’s journey-surfacing fragile coexistence with humans and apes. As tensions escalate, both species are confronted by their past and forced to make choices that will decide the world they live in.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes rejuvenates a long-extended franchise through universe expansion both excitingly and intellectually. Under the guidance of Wes Ball, this film keeps the philosophical underpinning that had made this series classic and infuses into it an energy anew through a story arc that explores the leading theme very well, survival, and moral ambiguity about power.
Owen Teague impresses as Cornelius, the robust yet sensitive leader of the apes, who doubt his identity and the future of his nation. The special effects used are simply breathtaking: state-of-the-art motion capture animates the apes to an unprecedented level of realism and emotional depth. Its immersive CGI work and visual effects are in such fine juxtaposition with the natural features that a world so familiar is suddenly new.
Freya Allan provides the human perspective of a survivor tangled up in a world run by apes. Her character brings an added layer of emotion and a bridge between the two species, showing further insights into a continued fight for understanding and coexistence. The ensemble cast further strengthens this series into a challenging and enriched evolving ape society, completed with characters portrayed by Peter Macon and Kevin Durand.
This film did a great job expanding the universe of Planet of the Apes, but at one point, it also fell into some familiar territories, echoing certain plots of its predecessors. However, again, the novelty in the development of characters and Wes Ball’s vibrant direction kept the storyline relevant.
Rating: 4.5/5
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is an excitingly visual grand sequel to the iconic franchise. The movie balances action with introspection in broaching questions of leadership and freedom, and what coexistence could mean. For series veterans and newcomers alike, it’s a compelling glimpse into one possible future-a glimpse at the shaping of a world by apes.