Plot Summary:
His Three Daughters (2024) revolves around three estranged sisters—Katie (Carrie Coon), Christina (Elizabeth Olsen), and Rachel (Natasha Lyonne)—who reunite in their dying father Vincent’s New York City apartment. Katie, the perfectionist mother from Brooklyn, clashes with Rachel, a free-spirited half-sister who never left home and copes with her father’s illness through sports betting and marijuana. Christina, a new mother and more of a peacekeeper, is caught between the tension. As they wait for their father’s death, old family wounds surface, leading to deep confrontations about their relationships and their father’s legacy.
The film, directed by Azazel Jacobs, is an intimate portrayal of sibling dynamics and the painful process of waiting for a loved one’s passing. Its strength lies in the performances of the three leads, especially Natasha Lyonne, who brings nuance and emotional depth to her role as Rachel. The narrative builds slowly, balancing dark humor and raw emotional tension. The writing is rich with character exploration, and though the movie is dialogue-driven and often feels like a stage play, its minimalistic approach only heightens the realism of the sisters’ interactions.
Critics have praised His Three Daughters for its emotional authenticity and stellar performances, with Rotten Tomatoes reflecting a 99% approval rating and an average score of 8.1/10. The movie stands out for its complex character development and powerful moments of catharsis, making it a must-watch for fans of family dramas.